Sunday, August 23, 2015


(Instructor) Dr. Flora Luk · (email) · (website)

Lab Reports/Projects


Entry into
Classroom:      Upon entry into class, take out required class materials (Biology Binder, pen/pencil, post-its) and place your book bag along the back wall of the classroom.  This is a safety precaution for when we run laboratory experiments, to prevent injury from fall and/or tripping over book bags.  Please leave cell phones in your book bags unless advised otherwise.  Be in your seats working on bellringer by the time the final bell rings!!

Tardy:            Students not seated in their seats by time final bell rings are considered tardy.  Fill out Tardy slip in tardy notebook at the time of entry.  Reference student handbook for attendance policy.  We cover a large amount of content daily in class; therefore please schedule doctor appointments before or after class. 

Work:         Students are responsible for all notes/assignments missed when absent from school.  Students should obtain missed notes from classmates, and make-up assignments can be found on the website ( under daily assignments. Fill out and staple yellow form documenting reasons for late-work to your assignment.  Turn in missed assignments into “Make-up” bin of your designated block at the beginning of class.
Grading:      Group grading is based on the “Total Number of Group Points”.  Example provided below:

Group Grade x Number of Members = Total number of points
80  x  4 = 320 points
First a score is determined for the group and entered into the grade book for each group member. The group grade is then multiplied by the number of group members to determine the total number of points available and the value is documented on group grading form. The assignment is then returned with this form attached. Each group is given two minutes to discuss and revise the grade by reallocating points as they see fit based on member contribution and quality of work. Students MUST come to consensus or the grade remains the same! The instructor has the final say in case students cannot resolve a dispute.     

Group Members
Assigned Grade
Team Consensus Grades
Group Grade x Number of embers
80 x 4 = 320 points
Total Number of Group Points = 320

Total Number of Group Points = 320

Corrections:     Following the model of a true college-level science class, tests will count for 50% of the students grade in this course. Common assessments will be used among all AP Biology sections at Ragsdale High School. The day after a test is administered in class, students will have a grade recovery opportunity. Upon entering the classroom, students will be assigned a group and each group will be given a clean copy of the same test that was administered the day before. The group will have the full class period to discuss the questions and decide on final answers together. In this time, students may work only with those assigned to their group but may use their reading outlines and notes as a reference. One copy of the test will be submitted for the group. As long as the grade on the group test is higher than the original, the two grades will be averaged together to determine each students final score.
                        For example: If the original test grade was a 72% and the group grade was an 88%, the two grades would be averaged so this student would receive a corrected score of 80% on the test.

Labs:               There are 13 labs designed for the AP Biology curriculum. We will conduct at least 10 of the 13 labs along with many other supplemental laboratory investigations. It is mandatory that you attend and participate in all laboratory investigations. Labs are difficult to make up! Any day there is a lab (I will tell students in advance if possible, if not then there will be no penalty) students must:

A.    Where closed shoes (tennis shoes preferred, top of the foot should be covered)
B.    Pre-lab work completed if assigned.
C.    Safety Goggles (will be provided in class)
D.    Conduct themselves as if in a laboratory (we will in detail about what this means in the first few days of class)

Failure to meet these requirements will result in student suspension from the laboratory and assignment of an alternate assignment. Most labs will be completed in groups with one final report submitted. These group reports will be graded using the group grading policy described above.

Items to bring to class EVERYDAY:
    3 ring binder                                                                   
    blue or black ink pen; Colored pens are recommended for diagrams
    book (when specified)
You will receive a lot of paperwork and you will be taking a lot of notes. I suggest a three ring binder designated specifically for this course. Save all notes and assignments that you receive. Many students last year also found it easier to have a spiral notebook specifically for taking notes in AP Biology. No matter what you decide, you will need to have the 3 ring binder and materials for taking notes by Thursday August 27, 2015.

1.    Turn in all assignments on time. All assignments turned in within 24 hours of the due date will receive a maximum of half credit. Any assignments turned in after 24 hours of the due date will not receive credit for the assignment. This is a fast paced class and you will not have time to keep up and catch up at the same time.

2.    Gather and Share.  Within this course, you are expected to gather information either independently or within your study groups.  Not only are you expected to gather information, you are also expected to share and communicate information to your classmates either through class presentations and/or videos. 

3.    Preparation. Mastery of biology content within the short time provided requires that you are reviewing class content DAILY either independently or within your study groups.  Manage your  time wisely.  As AP students, you may be faced with tests and quizzes from multiple classes during the day in addition to extracurricular activities.  However, you are expected to manage your time in order to prepare for the demands of honors course work and extracurricular activities.  Procrastination will NOT work.  Quick memorization will NOT work.  Learning is not the equivalent of memorizing. 

4.    Ask for help.  A large part of being an AP student is learning to be a self-advocate.  Please come to me early if you need help with understanding content, adapting your study methods, or keeping yourself organized.  I also encourage study groups and peer tutoring as long as all submitted assignments are your own original work.  Also, some of your most valuable resources are the other students in this class. I encourage study groups and peer tutoring as long as all submitted assignments are your own original work.

Wednesday 3:50 – 5pm (Afterschool buses are available) or by appointment only. 
Tutoring sign-up will be placed by the door.  Please sign-up if you are coming to tutoring so I know to  expect you.  Peer tutoring is also available in media center afterschool on Tuesday afternoons.


The AP Biology exam will be held on May 9, 2016 at 8:00AM. The Advanced Placement program is designed to allow high school students to obtain college credit but it is a program of credit by examination. Students are assigned a grade of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on the exam, with 5 bring the highest grade. Many colleges give credit for introductory biology to applicants with a score of 3 if they are a non-science major. However, few accept a score of less than 4 for credit if the student is a science major. This AP exam offers students the possibility of more college credit than most. Depending on the school, students can earn up to 8 hours of college credit that includes two lecture courses and two lab courses. Keep this in mind when working in this class and preparing for the AP Exam!

We will work hard in class throughout the year to prepare you for exam day. All students are expected to take the exam. It is an important part of the AP curriculum and the exam-taking experience is a valuable preparation for college work. Since, the scores of the AP exam are not reported to the schools until mid-July, a students score will not impact his or her grade in the course.